So you don’t have to worry about financing your education costs during your studies or Bootcamps –
our ISA for tuition fees.
With CHANCEN eG, you can finance your tuition fees fairly during your studies or bootcamp. After your studies or bootcamp, you enable the next generation to do the same: you pay back a percentage of your income for the following students – but only when you earn your own income and have a minimum income of at least 27,000 euros per year.
A first overview
Eligibility criteria
Application process
The UGV allows you to concentrate on your studies while CHANCEN eG takes care of your tuition fees.
In order for us to cover your tuition fees, you must study at one of our partner institutes. We also have a number of partners for bootcamps. You can find a detailed list of these here.
Repayment does not begin until the minimum income limit of 27.000 euros is exceeded.
You can read everything in detail here.
Together, we are committed to providing access to education for all students. Your repayment ensures that the next generation can also study.
Our fair financial model is based on three values. This is the foundation of all the work we do, each aspect is taken into consideration in the Income Share Agreement cycle.
Funders and Investors who align with our values enable us to invest in an individual student’s education. Our partnerships with universities ensure that these institutions are fair and that access is not based on an individual’s financial background.
Our fair financing model allows students not only freedom during but also after their studies.
These values unite graduates, donors, IMPACT Investors, Universities, partners and NGO members in a solidarity community that to offers students an opportunity to be part of an ethical financial solution.
If you have Questions or Feedback, let us know!