Deciding fairly in cases of hardship

More and more people are financing their studies, training or further education with an ISA from CHANCEN eG. This positive news means that the number of our repayers is also steadily increasing. In order to be able to guarantee a fair repayment, we see it as our duty to respond to individual situations and to be able to decide fairly in cases of hardship. As of now, the Social Committee is responsible for this.

The Social Committee decides on requests for hardship from repayers. A case of hardship exists if, for example, serious health, family or social reasons make repayment temporarily impossible, even though the relevant income is above the contractual minimum threshold.

The committee decides whether to grant a temporary exemption from repayment and determines the period of exemption or decides on other fair solutions. Furthermore, the Social Committee shall always be consulted before legal dunning proceedings are to be initiated against a member for failure to make repayments.

The Members of the Social Committee

The CHANCEN Social Committee consists of 5 members. 2 of them are members of the CHANCEN Supervisory Board. Furthermore, we would like to consult an anti-discrimination representative regularly at meetings.

The other members are represented by 2 of our students and 1 of our repayers.

Presentation of the members







Vanida Melanie Schwing

studies Medicine at EDU Medical College



Brief Introduction:

I am Vanida, 28, and I am volunteering in the Social Committee because I know how hard it can be to be culturally or socially excluded. I have been campaigning for equality and especially for the rights of an individual person for as long as I can remember. As a person with social media reach, I am aware of the importance of asking uncomfortable questions and standing up for the right people.


Melvin Rinkleff

studies Product Management at CODE University



Brief introduction:

I am Melvin, 22 years old and I am currently studying Software Engineering at at CODE University. It was the ISA of CHANCEN eG that made it possible for me to do so and I am very thankful that I can do this study and at the same time I don’t have to worry about my finances. Since I have experienced through my private environment what impact financial problems can have on one’s life and well-being, I would like to become part of the social committee to support our members in these difficult situations in the best possible way. For me, volunteering has always been part of my everyday life, whether it was in the youth club in the past, or now at CODE University and perhaps also in the future at CHANCEN eG in the social committee.


Liv Reinhold

Successfully completed the Bootcamp Web Development of WBS Coding School and started her repayment phase in 2021


Brief Introduction:

I have lived and worked in India, Germany and my native country Denmark. This means that I have had a chance to meet people in very different situations, and there is a good chance that I will be able to empathise with a wide spectrum of hardships that repayers can be in.

In my current position my primary function is to, on a case by case basis, asses applications for covid-19 compensation. I will therefore also bring with me professional experience in assessing cases objectively. Most importantly though, I strongly believe in the vision of CHANCEN eG of reducing the financial barriers to education, and I am happy to be part of the mission of making this a reality for more people.


Caspar-Fridolin Lorenz

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the CHANCEN eG.


Brief Introduction:

Caspar-Fridolin Lorenz is the long-standing chairman of the supervisory board of the StudierendenGesellschaft, which developed the UGV at Witten/Herdecke University. He is also the managing director of a Berlin radiology practice, a management and organizational consultant, and a cultural scientist. He has many years of experience with the financing and business model of the Reverse Generational Contract.


David Reichwein

Supervisory Board Member of the CHANCEN eG.


Brief Introduction:

David Reichwein is a lawyer at the law firm von Bredow Valentin Herz, which specializes in renewable energy. He is also a research associate at Ecologic Institute, an independent academic think tank for environmental policy and sustainability research. His research focuses on renewable energies and international environmental law. In addition, he deals with questions of the interplay between digitalization and sustainability. After his law studies at Bucerius Law School in Hamburg and his legal clerkship with stations at the Federal Ministry for the Environment and the Federal Foreign Office, he gained experience in energy law, climate protection law and sustainable development.


Repayment Team

Contact us for any question regarding your CHANCEN repayment, taxes or other financial topics.